Frequently Asked Questions

What do the proceeds from the Auction provide to the school?

A large portion of the funds raised will help supplement the operating budget of the school.  These are funds that are used to bridge the gap between the tuition our families pay and the actual cost of educating each student. 

Purchases from previous Auction proceeds include:

  • Playground
  • Science lab
  • New Computer lab 
  • Cooling system
  • Kitchen
  • Gym floor
  • Reading program
  • Smart boards 

I received  2 tickets with my K-8 2011-2012 tuition.
What do I get with my tickets?

In addition to a fabulous night on the town with friends, parishioners and faculty at St. James,
your ticket to the Auction includes: open bar, dinner, dessert, music, dancing and the chance
to bid on and win great items that are only available at the Auction!

What if I only know a couple of people at St. James?  Who will I sit with?
Don’t worry!  The auction is great way to meet other school families who feel the same
way you do.  Next year you will know almost everyone!  

Do I have to buy something?
This is up to you; however, the Auction committee tries to have something for everyone. 
The bidding may start as low as $10 for some items and over $100 for other items.

Will the tickets be on sale in the church foyer again?
Yes, Auction tickets and Raffle tickets will be on sale in the Narthex before and after Mass
on November 5th & 6th and November 12th & 13th.

Are the new preschool families invited to the Auction?
YES!!  However, preschool families will need to purchase an Auction ticket.  Invitations will be sent to preschool families in early October.  The preschool students are also busy at work preparing a special classroom art project for parents to bid on during the live Auction.

I am not on the auction committee, but wonder if you still need any help?

YES!!  The Auction committee would love to have your help.  There will be many opportunities
to get involved, especially the last couple of weeks before the Auction and the night of the


Thanks to our Sponsors!